Peaceful Sleep

Peaceful Sleep

[Meditations | Products I recommend]

Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep? I can help

Our lives are so busy that when we lie down to go to sleep it is the first time we have stopped all day. Our nervous system needs to digest before sleep. The volume and intensity of the day needs to slow down. Integration is rest and digest which is the parasympathetic response. When we rest we turn things off.

Red Panda Peaceful Sleep Dance of Qigong Marin CountySettling

Every time you settle it informs your nervous system that it is safe to relax. Each time it will allow the parasympathetic nervous system to be more present and in time to allow the function of rest and digest.

Sleep is sacred. It is a time of healing. Everything sleeps (except for sharks, I am told). Trees prepare all day long for their "night's sleep".

Sleep comes to us, sleep returns, sleep comes back to us every single night. We are wired and programmed for sleep.

I went through a devastating period of time where I hardly slept. This went on for 9 months. I became afraid of nightfall, fearing yet another sleepless night. With the help of my dear sweet husband who was leaning to be a hypnotherapist and is the most relaxed person I know, I learned how to relax my body and mind. It's the mind that keeps us up and manifests in our body and nervous system as tension and stress. At the time I was also studying Biodynamic CranioSacral therapy, Qigong and many other healing modalities.

I work intuitively and draw upon a eclectic tool box of teachings from wise teachers across the globe, along with my own personal experience. I know what it's like. I didn't handle it very well, finding myself literally falling asleep at the wheel. I tried every natural remedy at the natural food store and punched through every one of them. They would work for a few days and then stop working. I was desperate. With patience and persistence I finally felt like the circuit breakers were turned off. My nervous system began to settle and I had my first nights sleep. It wobbled back and forth a bit until my nervous system healed and settled.

Because I had such a traumatic time, I want to help as many people as I can. Sleep is so essential to our health and emotional well being.

How I can help

I have years of experience helping people sleep. I've been teaching at a drug and alcohol residential treatment center where I teach people the skills they need to settle their nervous systems and sleep. Many clients have had tremendous trauma and don't ever remember being able to sleep.

I incorporate many healing modalities including Qigong, acupressure, self hypnosis, meditation and relaxation.

Sleep is sacred. Everyone deserves to sleep well. I will hold space for you to hold space for your own healing.

I am available for private one-on-one or couples sleep therapy sessions on Zoom so that you can relax in the privacy of your own home and not have to drive after becoming utterly relaxed.

To schedule a session text or call me at Phone Number or email

What clients are saying:

"Denise, thank you for our lovely time together. Your presence by itself is so very comforting and healing. I did sleep so much better! Thank you again, sweetie.❤😊💃"

~ Kathleen, San Rafael


It's Time to Relax:

Products I recommend


Magnesium 7 - Full spectrum daily magnesium supplement complete with 7 forms of elemental magnesium & co-factors. Helps reduce stress & anxiety levels and promotes restful & restorative sleep.

L-Theanine - Relieves stress, improves mood and sleep.

B Vitamin Complex - Supports a healthy nervous system.


Holy Basil (Tulsi) - Anti-stress, helps maintain normal cortisol levels, soothes nerves and combats free radicals that can form during stressful situations.

Lemon Balm - A calming herb that reduces stress and anxiety, promotes sleep, improves appetite, and eases pain and discomfort from indigestion.

Vibrant Blue Oils

Uplift Essential Oil Blend - Alleviates Depression, promoting feelings of strength, courage, and protection.

Rose Essential Oil Blend - Helps to overcome depression and anxiety. I apply Rose Blend to my heart every night before bed.

Parasympathetic Essential Oil Blend - Melt away stress, elevate mood, boost energy, improve digestion, and regain focus.

Heart Essential Oil Blend - Balances the heart.

Calm Essential Oil Blend - Calms anxiety and overwhelm.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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